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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

China and its one child policy

one child policy
I was fed up of the growing number of newly grown "days" for celebrating love last month such as rose day , hug day,blah blah. Among my peers I have seen many talented ones who have gained expertise in two timings but to a contrast think about the young population of a country where they don't have option for even affording a single date and that is due to regressive policy of a country who is in a rat race to achieve the status of super power,probably a case where emotionlities has to be submissive before materialistic world.Yes my reference is to People's Republic of China.
one child policy
Enacted in 1979 it is believed that 200 million births were averted between the period of 1979 to 2009.If we look up at the history of this not so very great country we find that soon after its formation China in 1949 picked up this issue and focussed on promoting measures such as late marriages , contraceptive measures and Intra utrine devices. By these steps they were successful in attaining the birth rate to 1% per annum,but still they felt that those extra 1% will account to more use of natural resources so they targeted 0 % population growth. Its hard to overlook that this policy have resulted sex imbalance,female foeticide and forced sterilization. There was an upsurge in number of peoples aborting their girl child so that they can have a boy child.At present the maximum population of China is too old to serve in the interest of the country and this is all because of one child policy. Some statistics shows that in 2004 for every 100 girls there were 121.2 boys took birth! Even it showed some preference to economical sound peoples as they can get away from the policy constraints by paying huge amount of money. It has given a birth to a situation where a single individual has to take care of their four grand parents often leaving them unsuccessful. Time to time the government have losen the norms of the policy giving some benefits to rural population or to the parents who have no siblings this clearly shows how confused the government is regarding this policy.

Final note:

I think of all the anamolies and growing discontent around the globe China should either have a convincing answers to all the rising questions or should show sign of some bigger reforms.


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